Malcolm Kenwood is a former specialist police detective investigating art and antique crime. Upon his retirement he directed lectures to educate Law Enforcement Officers to combat art crime, in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Art and Antiques Unit at New Scotland Yard in London.
In addition he was the Recoveries Director for the Art Loss Register who operate an international database of stolen cultural property.
He has lectured to police conferences, customs officers, auction house staff, museum employees, INTERPOL, FBI and specialist groups.
Many of you may remember his lecture on the theft of the Mona Lisa…!
The day will be held in the Crosfield Hall, Romsey from 10:00 to 15:00
Ticket prices will include coffee and a buffet lunch
The day’s synopsis:
10.00 First Presentation
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Vermeer’s Shadow: Han Van Meegeren
12.45 Lunch
14.00 Art Beat
An autobiographical journey from rural beat officer in the late 1970’s culminating as a specialist art and antiques detective..
Full of interesting tales of the criminal art underworld, their origins, methods and corrupt dealers in the trade.
Including BILL….
A handler of stolen antiques, a likeable rogue.
We considered him to be a success story, as he turned his back on the underworld antiques trade to become a professional chef.
But what was REALLY on his menu????????
Artbeat will prove to be an entertaining and revealing 60 minutes…!
Tickets will go on sale from Tues March 3.
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