You may book a place on a visit either in person at a lecture or online by using the form below, by telephone to the Visits Secretary at 01794 511011 or by sending an email to, providing the following details: Name or date of visit, full name, address, phone number (including mobile if you have one) and number of places required.
Please note that The Arts Society Romsey members will be given priority, but non-members may book places on the understanding that if capacity either of guides or places on the coach are reached, then their payment will be refunded in full.
You must pay for your booking as follows:
Please pay, whenever possible, electronically using BACS to the Society’s account at:
The Arts Society Romsey
sort code 40-52-40,
account number 00060162
please quote your surname and membership number.
However we will accept cheques payable to The Arts Society Romsey by handing in at one of our lectures or by post to the The Arts Society Romsey Hon Treasurer. For the latter option, please send an email to to request a postal address.
Please note that places will go on sale from this website on the day they are made available at a lecture. This information will be posted on the details page for each visit.
Bookings are not complete until the Society has received payment.