About The Arts Society Romsey

The Arts Society Romsey is a member society of The Arts Society. Click on the link to find out more (this will open in a new window).
You can also view a brief history of this society, contact details for our committee and our constitution and rules by clicking on the apropriate links.

We are very friendly and a relatively large society with around 300 members. If you would like to join us, you will find details how to be apply here

Our other activities include visits to galleries, museums and other places of artistic and cultural interest, conservation activities and sponsorship and encouragement of the arts for young people (Young Arts). You can find out more about these under “WHAT WE DO” heading.

We also provide a forum for social interaction for the residents of Romsey and its surrounding area. Members of the society continue to give their time, unselfishly and unstintingly, whether working on the committee, serving coffee prior to lectures or preparing sandwiches for the annual Christmas party.

Like many organisations we will remain successful only if we have sufficient people prepared to work on the committee and in other ways which do not require you to become a committee member. If you would be interested in joining our committee (we meet about 9 times a year), please contact our Chair at  chair@theartssocietyromsey.org . Please note that you must be able to use email to become a committee member.

Our sessions run from September to July.